Monday, February 9, 2009

Commitment to loveliness

Two new posts this morning, and two blog ideas from others that I like to participate in.
Emma offers us a new challenge in her commitment to loveliness. Small things really do change a life.

Last challenge, these were my attention points
- I will drink more water! (did this a bit, but not enough)
- I will use a bit of make up. (did this a bit, but need to do more)
- I will remember to put on jewelry (I was pretty good about that one)
- I will clean the floor at least every other day (mmmm... no. Should have)
- Make an appointment with the dentist (I tried. I honestly did. But that office closes at the weirdest hours)

So this week I will focus on the following things to allow more loveliness in my own life:
- Drink more water
- MAKE that dentist appointment
- put on a bit more make up
- put some flowers in the house
- try to keep the desk area tidy

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