Thursday, January 8, 2009

The new routine

Well, in a way this is the first day of the new year. At least, the first day of the new 'working' year. No, I have not taken on an outside job, but with staying with my in laws until yesterday,we didn't really get into the regular grind of things. Now though, the holidays are over and the new year really needs to start. It started well with me getting up in time, tidying a bit, taking care of computer stuff, and getting cleaned up and dressed before Joseph is awake. It's strange to have the week begin on a thurdsay and it was VERY tempting to just decide to 'let things go' for a few more days and 'start for real' on monday.
But that's the way that those good intentions fell by the wayside. So, that is why my husband did go running on the tredmill this morning and why I did get up to get some work in. I feel great, and I know that if my big boy wakes up now, I can greet him with a happy smile, not a grumpy face!

Plans for today:

- Tidy the house
- Put away the christmas decorations
- Contact two people
- Empty out the suitcase and put everything in the closet where it belongs
- Empty out the bags and put everything in the cupboards where things belong
- If the weather is nice enough, spend an hour or so in the backyard to let Joseph run like a wild man.

Sounds like a happy day, does it not?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

good for you for not procrastinating!! That is so laudable! I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful day--and that tonight as you are climbing into bed you will feel as though you have made great use of this day.

ME--well, we keep on keeping on living a life of chaos in motion. (But I am using the excuse that nearly all of the kids' activities have started back this week, and that it has been raining nearly everyday. Having excuses is handy for a slackermom like me. :) )