Friday, October 3, 2008

Odds and ends (Sept 4, 2007)

Well, it's been nearly a week since last I posted. A busy week. My last post was the commitment to loveliness. Let me see what I actually managed to do!
Dink more water: hmmm, I have had more water, but not enough! Remove nailpolish from toenails: unfortunately, that has not happened! I really should do that!Keep to flylady program: Yes! My house is nice, and I just finished the weekly homeblessing today.Go to the gym and walk on the tredmill: Yes! Three days last week, then again this morning. Ten days before due date and I'm still briskly walking a mile and a half on the tredmill. Go me!Put some music on while I work during the day: Maybe not every day, but there has been music on instead of the tv. I don't know why I put the tv on during the day. It only annoys me, or I forget that it's on. But music will have me singing along, so that's much better.
So, what else have I been doing in this week? Quite a bit, actually. I did have a few slump days in which sleeping was the most I accomplished. This weekend, we did some shopping. We now have a nice area rug in our living. Since we live in an industrial style condo, all our floors are varnished concrete. I strongly dislike our floors. Not especially the concrete but the fact that is in ugly brown, with painsplatters and chips and everythign that is suposed to give it that industrial look, but that makes it impossible to see if you actually cleaned the floor or not. But back to our area rug. It is a simple white and beige rug. On the rug we can put one of the receiving blankets and our baby will be able to have tummy time, probably with daddy stretched out next to him. My husband immediately dragged a special sitting pillow from the bedroom and planted it on the rug and stretched out. I can just see him and the baby laying there while mommy makes dinner.

Another thing I bought is a digital camera. I have been saving up my pin money for a while, and therefor could splurge a bit on myself, buying the glider (which unfortunately is delayed and won't be arriving before my baby!) and now the camera. My husband has a perfectly good camera. In fact, the camera is too good. Both of us are photography enthousiasts. And my beloved has a magnificent camera with special lenses and all the bells and whistles, which is wonderful if we go out for a special trip to take pictures, but not something that you quickly slip into a diaper bag to catch all the cute things that baby does. The picture on the side btw, is one that I took with my beloved husbands great camera while we were still courting. I do not know the name of the flower, but the picture is taking in the Saint Louis botanical gardens in the climatron. I loved the dew on the leaves and the color. We always joke that he is the man of landscapes, while I am the woman of tiny details. It's a dream of ours to follow a photography course together one of these years.

Speaking about photographs... this is one in which I am seven and a half months pregnant. I think I look like an elephant, but people keep saying I am not that big for the time in my pregnancy. This picture is again taken in the Saint Louis botanical gardens. I LOVE those gardens. There are botanical gardens here in Columbia, and we keep saying we should go there one of these days, but for some reason we always postpone it. The picture was taken a day or so before my babyshower and the weather was wonderful, not something that would prepare me for the heatwave that was to follow in Columbia a week or so later. But as my mother would say: they can't take away the good days you have had, those are yours forever. Did I mention that my mother is a very wise woman?
She is also a very proud grandmother, who will be arriving here in two days to await the birth of my baby with me and my husband and to help out wherever she can. Flylady or not, at eight and a half months pregnant, there are some chores that are becoming just a bit too hard for me to do. Some things I can still do though, and sitting behind the computer is one of them. *G* Especially with an international wedding, many people loved the website we had set up for our wedding, so they could stay involved a bit. So we decided to set up a website for the baby. I've been working on it yesterday, and here is the result:

Have a peek and if you wish, leave me a note in the guestbook. I will try and update it regularly. I think once my mother is back in Belgium, I will get my ears blistered if I don't. *W*

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