Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My son, the charmer...

Joseph is a flirt. We have long established that. Maybe it is because he watches his father flirt with his mother quite often, but whatever the reason, he spreads it around. He flirts with waitresses in restaurants, with ladies in passing shopping carts in the grocery store and with any children he can see. He always has done it. With cooes or glances, or cute little smiles. Now that he has more and more words at his disposition, he even starts using those to charm others. He should be behind in his speech development due to learning two languages at the same time, but vocabulary wise I don't notice too much of that.
Never the less, I had to admit, I was laughing when my wonderful husband told me the following story after he came back from a walk with Joseph while I cooked dinner.

Joseph and dada had been walking towards a house not too far away where a dog named "Bogie" is often outside. The dog has an electrical fence but is very friendly. Joseph is utterly devoted to Bogie. He wants to go and visit him several times a day and would if I let him. The owners allow us to go unto their driveway and visit with Bogie, pet him and talk to him. Joseph asks about "Boh" several times a day and is very dissapointed if we walk by and he is not outside.
Unfortunately, Bogie had not been outside, to Joseph's great regret. After having walked a little bit further they encountered a mommy with a girl of about two. Joseph immediately ran to her, calling out "behbeh! Behbeh! Behbeh! (his version of baby). They probably exchanged smiles and such, but Joseph wanted to tell her something impressive. So pointing back the way he came, he kept saying "behbeh... Booh! Booh! Behbeh.... Booh!" clearly intent on telling her all about the wonderful dog that could be found a few houses back.

I am not certain how the girl reacted, but I am sorry I missed the exchange. A few more years, and I am going to have to beat the girls off of him with a stick. Who am I kidding? I need that stick already! He spent fifteen minutes of mass last sunday on the lap of another lady who happened to sit next to us in the pew, happily playing with the buttons of her vest, and she was beaming all the time....


tiffibug said...

Would you like me to find an appropriate stick for you? LOL

Wendy said...

How cute is that? And you just wait -- my boy also likes to turn on the charm, and he has a whole fan club of 10- to 12-year-old girls that always mob him at church, wanting to hug on him and carry him around! I can definitely see that kind of thing in Joseph's future. :)