Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Each day, parenting becomes a bit easier to me. Oh, don't get me wrong here, there are tantrums since a few weeks and I don't know any parent who likes tantrums. There are new challenges too, like the fact that he climbs like a mountain goat. Or as I descibed recently to a friend about the reason for gaining some weight in the last few months: "I was making a wonderfully delicious and healthy lunch for myself but then I had to grab the todler who had climbed on the kitchen table who then wanted milk, which he upended over himself, over me and over the floor and after I had changed us and whiped up the floor I just grabbed the first thing that I could find which was a big fat bagel or a bag of chips."

But even with all that, I feel so much better in this stage than I did before when he was just a tiny baby. This morning I told him to put his bowl on the table. And Lo and behold, Joseph did put his bowl back on the table and went there to nicely eat his cottage cheese and cherries. Now the obedience is wonderful (no parent that does not like an obedient child) but it is actually the simple fact that he understands what I am telling him and is able to respond by motion or words that entrances me. I am such a word oriented person that communicating with my son is such a treasure. It truely fills me with delight. I am certain more experienced moms will already tell me that very soon I will long for just a few moments of quiet, and I already see the forshadowing of that when he repeats "buh" (buckle) six million times over as he wants me to undo his buckle so he can fasten it again, something he does not get tired of for some reason.
But the mere fact that we can actually talk to one another now is such a gift. My little baby is such a boy now. Another step in growing up.


Shannon said...

Oh me too!! I love when language really "clicks". It's so amazing to see them really begin to understand. I love the talking!! And it does make things sooooo much easier! And while I could do without the bickering back and forth and the Mommy!...mommmy!....MomYyy! Mommmy! MOMMY! I never long for quieter days when we had no idea what each other wanted. I love the surprising things which come out of their mouths everyday.

LOL! right now the thingg that kills me most is when I call "Aanndrewww!: He says, "What?" *giggles* It just kills me every time...

Wendy said...

He is just so adorable! And yes it is such an exciting time (and a relief as well) when you begin to really build that bridge of communication with each other.

When my children were little babies, I remember wondering what their voices would sound like, and what was going on in their little heads all day, and then it all starts to open up to you, and you suddenly find out what they're thinking. It's magical!

Luilton said...

Muito bacana!
Um abraço

~SHANNON~ said...

I cannot wait to get to that stage!! Molly is only 7 months right now, and I am mostly just guessing from second to second what she wants! She does have a range of "ehhh!" or "hhhmnnnn!" that she uses to explain her needs to me though....lol.

I just think it will be soooo amazing to connect in the way you describe. And although I love having my little baby in my arms now- I know I'm also going to love when she grows up a bit, and can share her heart with me:)