Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

A day late and a dollar short, but I am participating in the wonderful diary like entry, hosted by The Simple Woman's daybook.

FOR TODAY the 13th of January 2008

Outside my window...the street is calm and grey. After days of nice, warm weather, we are turning towards cold. The greyness lays over the stret like a thick blanket. A squirrel hops along across the street, making me smile. I know people call them rats with good PR, but I have a fondness for them. I wonder if it will last once I start my garden.

I am thinking...that I should start the day and get some work done. It's late and Joseph will no doubt wake up soon. If the weather remains so bad we won't be able to go play outside in the garden.

I am thankful for... the cleaning ladies that came yesterday and put my house back on track. Everything is nice and gleaming and I am full of plans to keep it that way. At the same time I wonder if I will be able to. So many fresh starts, and so many relapses. Then again, I am a fan of good intentions. Maybe I should post the article I wrote yesterday on my blog.

From the learning rooms...life is learning. I am trying this year to learn how to make a sock. Tiffany from Tiffybug knits has been a wonderful encouragement on this road of learning how to knit.

From the kitchen...My kitchen is clean, clean, clean! And I'm going to keep it that way. Today I will be making a nice, big batch of chili in the crockpot. It was on the menuplan anyhow, but with the icky weather, it seems extra fitting.

I am wearing...a fuzzy pink bathrobe. I know that as soon as I go upstairs to get dressed, Joseph will wake up, so I am postponing it a little bit. I should have just dressed before I came downstairs.

I am creating...A baby bootie. My last one of a pair. I'm not sure how much time I will have for it today, as there is some correspondence I should catch up on.

I am going...to keep my house clean. *LOL* If I repeat it often enough it will happen, right? And I am going to write at least two Thank you notes today!!!

I am reading...actually... nothing. *ghasp* With all the whirlwinds of the last days, I have not started a new book yet. There is one waiting on my nightstand, with a correspondance from the civil war era.

I am hoping...to keep my house clean. Let's see how many times we can repeat it still before this post is over. I am also hoping for a good day today, with a happy baby. Yesterday I missed the fact that there were strawberries in the frozen fruit mix that I used for my homemade fruit yoghurt and Joseph had an allergic reaction.

I am hearing...nothing but the tapping of my keys on the keyboard and the hum of the computer. My ears are tuned to any sounds from upstairs. If he does not wake in the next ten minutes, I will have to go and wake him up anyhow.

Around the house...everything will stay clean today or be cleaned again before nightfall. I so enjoy the gleaming floors. I really must keep that up.

One of my favorite things...is the fact that we are having a routine again. Normal days in which you are not hurriedly running from here to there, filled with appointments. January is shaping up busy enough for me. I am starting to realise I am a homebody at heart.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Keeping the house clean, getting caught up with laundry, catching up with my correspondence, boardmeeting of the womensgroup on friday, and the Stand up for Life Rally on Saturday. Oh dear, I hope the weather becomes a bit warmer for that one!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...


Shannon said...

ugh- I actually checked last Monday, and there wasn't one....and this week I totally forgot!

Thanks for the reminder...and i LOVE that picture!

Heidi said...

I too am a homebody. I love just puttering around my house. I am glad my blog keeps you in touch with stitching but may I ask why you don't do it anymore? You asked what a SAL is...it means Stitch ALong. It is where a group of stitchers all stitch a certain assigned part in the allotted time. It helps keep you going on some projects.

Hugs ~

faerieeva said...

I used to embroider. I am self taught from the age of 10, cross stitch first, then tapestry work, later embroidery. I specialize in monograms and small designs, etc.
When I was pregnant, I couldn't focus long enough, so I had to set it aside. Once Joseph was born I determinedly picked it up again, but I didn't have five minutes a day to just sit down and get everything out. Even now, I do not find the time. I need a lot of time it seems to 'settle down with my embroidery', not even to mention a little boy reaching for small pointy scisors, needles, etc.
I even blogged about my frustration:

I turned to knitting because it's much easier to pick up and lay down, at least on the uncomplicated level I am doing today. I know there are many moms who manage to find the time for embroidery, but in this stage, I just don't. WHen Joseph is off to bed I want to pick up something and start right then and there, instead of rethreading needles, transfering designs, etc. I need more of my brain for embroidery than I need for knitting.
No doubt I will come back to embroidery in a few years when Joseph (and his brothers and sisters to follow) are in school. *chuckles* This is just a season, I keep telling myself.