Friday, December 26, 2008

Topics to blog about

- Being a transplant from Europe
- the power of saying no: waiting for the right husband, not buying pretty things that do not fit in your style, teaching children to deal with hearing no, etc.
- Changes and saying farewell, Joseph aproaching pre preschool.
- Bento boxes
- homemade gifts
- monday: the simple womans daybook
- feminine friday
- Joseph is good catholic: little office of the blessed virgin mary he took out of his faters bookbag, the litany of the hours he removed from the couch a few hours later, pointing to mass and calling out "Jee' on tv. Giving kisses to baby Jesus.
- the funeral musings: all four women sitting in front, men and children behind. Where was the support? Did it have anything to do with a fathers lack of example>

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