My blog has not been the only thing that has fallen by the wayside these last few weeks, or even last month. My knitting too has fallen victim to an overscheduled agenda. (Note to self: don't DO that anymore.). The last three days I have actually knitted more than the entire month of april put together and guess what? It still has the same calming and soothing effect on me. I should not have let it be pressed into a corner. The result is though that I am still working on that first sock that I have been talking about for months. I am now very soon nearing the actual 'foot' part that I have been dreading and anticipating at the same time. We will see how it goes. The picture above however does not show the sock but a scarf I had great fun in knitting for christmas. After this sock, I have a shawl waiting. I need to make a baby blanket. And I need to start making baby socks. Amidst all that I need to manage a small embroidery project as I need to have a wedding hanky ready by next april.
1 comment:
Good for you for getting back to your knitting! Aren't those kind of therapeutic crafts wonderful? I wish I knew how to knit, but cross-stitching has the same stress-relieving effect on me.
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