I am once more following in Peggy's footsteps again and am exploring the day through her daybook format.
For March 16th
Outside my window... It's grey outside. It has been grey for days. Usually my description starts with the golden light of the sun, even if it is winter. But today, al we have is a morose greyish hue and a wet yard. It isn't raining yet, but it looks like it could at any moment.
I am thinking...About March and why it is so busy. It seems as if every year March is one of the busiest months, and this year is no different. Too much going on for me and for my husband. All our routines are disturbed and the laundry is piling up.
From the learning rooms... We have bought a booster seat for Joseph so he can sit at the big table with more ease and colour. And we have decided on a table from Ikea for the learning room.
I am thankful for... the prayer that good friends are offering, and for a long desired wish of a friend of mine being fulfilled.
From the kitchen... Left overs for my poor husband. I am behind one everything and have another meeting this evening. I am not doing a busy march like that again next year. I am not.
I am wearing... My nighthgown still. I was up early, and went to the computer. Unfortunately my little boy decided to wake up earlier than normal, so I have not had time to change yet.
I am reading... A free copy of a newspaper called the progressive populist. I actually like the writing style, but the paper itsself is still not my cup of tea.
I am hoping... That Joseph will be a good boy today. I have a busy day and he is really in his todler phase, tantrums and all.
I am creating... Still my sock, and am starting to creation process for a program for the fashion show our womens group is going to host. We want to show that you can look all female, strong, beautiful, and modest.
I am hearing... the hum of the dishwasher and a mama mia song on youtube. Funny. It was the same song last time I wrote a daybook post. And I am not listening to mama mia that much.
Around the house... Definitely laundry. Seeing if I can get some colouring done with Joseph. Hopefully preparing a healthy lunch and making a grocery list and mealplan. Maybe some fingerpainting.
One of my favorite things...Joseph in his jammies.
A few plans for the rest of the week...I'm having a friend over tomorrow who is traveling cross country. Tonight there is a meeting. I need to pay one or two bills.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

1 comment:
oh my goodness, I just love your picture thought. That is just on fire with sunlight and beauty! Thanks for sharing. That is truly a picture of the majesty God has created:)
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