Thursday, March 19, 2009

Joseph's name day

Today is the feast day of Saint Joseph. Which makes it my baby's name day. Last year in preparation of the move and clouded with general exhaustion still, we did not do much to celebrate.
This morning however, we had a big breakfast (also because we had guests) with croissants and homemade pancakes with warm cherries. Joseph did sleep through this festive breakfast though, which meant the rest of us could celebrate more ehm... shall we say peacefully?
Later in the day the easter duckies that I had ordered arrived and he was immediately fond of them. And last but not least, Joseph received a very special gift: a small decarde rosary that his mommy bought 25 years ago when she was a little girl herself on her visit to Lourdes. My first rosary, now his.


~SHANNON~ said...

That is such a beautiful thing to pass down. I wish I still had my first rosary. I don't know what happened to it, but I can picture it's oversized wooden beads easily, they are such a vivid memory.

Oh- and pancakes with warm cherries? Heaven!!

Caeseria said...

Happy name-day to Joseph, and "many years"!
My son loves things around his neck, and I have a big clunky wooden baby's rosary from when I was little that he loves to wear. I need to restring it, actually!
Nice to meet the mom of another "no-fear" child!